Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Samhita writes about Malcom X, Feministing commenters show how majorly they fail

Samhita wrote a fantastic post about Malcom X and his vision of equality, whether it had to do with representation and race relations or if it was about something bigger that included material equality. She continues to show she wipes the floor with her co-bloggers. Here's an excerpt:

As an up and coming activist there were few books that influenced me as much as the Autobiography of Malcolm X. Not only was his life inspiring and continues to inspire myself and others committed to the movement for social change world-wide, his voice of dissent to mediocrity masked as social welfare to benefit the black community, as opposed to full self-determination and self-actualization, has yet to be replaced. His voice maintains in the background always motivating us for true equality, for basic human rights, and to demand a better world, "by any means necessary" for those that have survived a brutal history of colonization, racism and slavery.
What was a fantastic post quickly spirals into a shouting match between a bunch of ignorant commenters accusing Malcom X of being a bad guy, essentially, and Renee and a few other sensible women who understand history is complicated and expect the feminist movement to know about black history.

It just wouldn't be a Samhita Wednesday if it didn't include a seriously great post, bogged down by seriously ignorant comments that generally display more than a little fear of POC.

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